Monday, June 8, 2009

Kiss and Tell....

Alright I will KISS ! 

Nearly all of us do it for pleasure, while the rest few do it on professional demands. 

This isn't about the age old folklore of Ugly frog being kissed by a princess....although it would be quite interesting if kissing a frog could solve a major problem for millions of girls.

Dearth of charming young men around ...?!?!?!?!

Normally, most of us are always in a hurry to finish the work we've been assigned ...but this gentleman from Germany seems to be in rush when most of us would like to follow the principle of slow and steady.....Hundred and Eleven kisses in mere sixty seconds...!!!!!!

This news is sure to turn many of you green with envy...after all who wouldn't want to kiss 111 women and get applauded and honored for it as well (for those of you raising eyebrows out there, this sentence was applicable only for female lovers)....couldn't have asked for more keeping your sanity around!!!

A lot of thinking and planning must have gone behind this...arranging for 111 women on a Friday night and convincing them for a quick peck is undeniably commendable. Maybe those of you who are still single and ready to mingle could take a leaf from this German Lad's kissing tales...
One person to jump in joy over this news would be Emraan Hashmi....our Indian Serial Kisser...Albeit not in 60 seconds, but Mr. Hashmi too might have breached the 111 mark by now...after all, he hasn't earned the title of Serial Kisser for nothing...Well, do not worry Mr. Hashmi. This German man has done it only once...for you there is no stopping…no can gladly sit on your kissing throne and keep raising the bar for the young generations and inspire the oldies for something better....I hear many chuckles around... ;)
Thanks to the numerous self proclaimed moral policing groups thriving well in our country, while it is virtually impossible for someone to muster courage of this level and create a world record in such acts in India, we surely can enjoy such records created else where....
All said and done, this record must definitely have been a treat for Michael Basting….statistically he kissed 2 women in one second…pheww!! That must have been lightning fast. Now that’s why people say “happiness lies in small things in life”.

With 111 kisses, Michael Basting has perfectly adhered to the principles of KISS...Keep It Short and Simple (What did u think when I said I will KISS ???...naughty naughty !!) … maybe Michael could try creating another record and rejuvenate some more principles for us!
Now stop being impish and learn to KISS…


  1. This has come out really good :)keep posting such blogs. Cheers.


  2. Nice one.. well written.. quite different from your other write ups

  3. its really short n simple... n nice one too......

  4. @ Naveen,

    Thanks! would surely try to come out with sumthing even better next time... stay tuned :)

    @ Truth Remains..
    glad that u took out time to read it Glue ;)

    @ Aditya,
    Thanks dude !

  5. !!!!!!!! amazing feat by this man.. though for record sake, this might seem amazing and people feel jealous of him.. but wats in a kiss if it didnt even last for half a second... it shudnt be considered as one... its more like accidently brushing aside a persons cheek/chin.. rather than the romantic word being used for that... to say it in some celebrities words..

    sidhu once said .. "indian team without sachin is kiss without squeeze"...

    one famous tennis player who was kissed by more than 20+ ladies within a short span of time (less than a minute).. he replied.. "it would have been better if i had the chance to kiss these 20+ women one by one for a minute each"...

    such is the experience of doing it.. your analogy to KISS (keep it simple stupid) suits this perfectly... he kept it too simple.. hence he is a STUPID..

  6. For this particular guy maybe a world record gives a higher kick than a KISS....what he did barely even qualifies for a peck...nevertheless millions of people got to read abt him..maybe that's what he wanted! Simple and quick fame.....KISS stills suits him ;)

  7. tats true.. now he is famous all over the world..
